
Lil’ Benz Dealership

During the holiday season of 2018, Mercedes-Benz won the love of millennials by doing something for the people who are actually in charge of Christmas: their kids. Lil’ Benz was an authentic dealership experience at King of Prussia Mall where every detail of a real Mercedes-Benz dealership was transformed to be kid-sized. It included little cars, little salespeople, little owner’s manuals (coloring books), and even a photo booth for making little driver’s licenses on the spot.


A car dealership designed specifically for those in charge of Christmas: kids.

* Shortlist @ Cannes Lions
* Merit @ ADC Awards
* 2x Shortlist @ AICP Next Awards


Ads for the dealership looked exactly like Mercedes-Benz ads.



* Narrated by Jon Hamm — the brand’s official voice.
* Starring our ECD’s kid.
* Shot at R/GA’s studio.

Print ads.

Made using old Mercedes-Benz assets.
More photoshopping, less money.

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Case study.



* Mercedes-Benz USA’s most shared social campaign ever.

* 159,000 new Instagram followers in one month. The biggest increase in Mercedes’ history.

* 98% positive sentiment in comments across social media.

* 71% of views and shares came from people who didn’t previously follow our accounts.


Project #ShowUs — Dove



Airbnb Categories — Airbnb